Jun 19, 2014 In your CONFIG.SYS file, use the following syntax: BREAK=ON|OFF Parameter ON|OFF Turns extended CTRL+C checking on or off. BUFFERS/BUFFERSHIGH ===== This command allocates memory for a specified number of disk buffers when your system starts. Use the BUFFERSHIGH command. Only the configurations entered in the two windows 'Config.sys for MS-DOS mode' and 'Autoexec.bat for MS-DOS mode' are available The system re-boots after the DOS application exits. When you execute legacy application into Windows 10, Windows prompted to add NTVDM, the NT virtual DOS machine. After installing it and a restart you should be able to launch the application. But I noticed few applications running in Windows 7 cannot run (rightly) under Windows 8.1 or 10.

Config Sys Windows 7 Location

Config Sys Startup Windows 10
Viglen Contender P3 550 - 256 RAM - 40Gig + 10Gig HDDs - 1 CD + 1 CD Burner - Windows 98se
I am now building a HP Vectra P3 1.3Ghz - 512 RAM - 80Gig HDD 1 CD + 1 CD Burner - Windows 98se
I also run 8meg Broadband (which usually runs at 3.5 megs at best)
The following is a copy of my present config.sys file
I'm in the UK, hence the 044 Country command. To avoid unwanted commands in memory I use the NOAUTO command and then manually add Himem.sys and IFSHLP.sys.
I have read several conflicting articles about Files, Stacks, Buffers and FCBS - many of these articles seem to refer to the old DOS6 days - eg. modern programs don't need Stacks and FCBS etc.
LASTDRIVEHIGH=I - - - - - - to allow for 2 HDDs and 2 CDs plus USB memory pens and a Daemon Virtual Drive
FCBSHIGH=1,0 - - - - - - FCBSHIGH won't accept 0,0
device=C:WINDOWSCOMMANDdisplay.sys con=(ega,1)
(Autoexec.bat carries the corresponding...
mode con codepage prepare=((850) C:WINDOWSCOMMANDega.cpi)
mode con codepage select=850
to match the last two config.sys lines)
I also have added the following command to my MSDOS.SYS file
BootGUI=0 - - - - - - - - WIN is added to Autoexec.bat
I am trying to squeeze as much space and speed out of what I have - buying a new PC and XP in not an option for the foreseeable future and 98se does all I need (and a lot faster than XP)
Any Config.sys experts out there for 98se ?